How Do You Say Happy New Year In Chinese?

how do you say happy new year in chinese

The question of How Do You Say Happy New Year In Chinese may seem trivial to Westerners. After all, New Year's resolutions, such as quitting smoking or overeating, usually involve short, quick fixes. What is more difficult to grasp is the whole notion of new year's resolutions. Most Chinese people see it as a process that lasts for several years and is thus intrinsically long and stressful.


In many places in China and Hong Kong, New Year's Eve is a time of celebration and joy. Chinese people throw large, multi-colored balls and fireworks to frighten away evil spirits and bring in good fortune. It is common to wish happy new year upon individuals, family and acquaintances. And to wish others a good year ahead, which may end up being a life changing event for them. how do you say happy new year in chinese?


The question of how do you say happy New Year in Chinese has been answered in the affirmative using both Pinyin pronunciation and English translation. The Chinese word for New Year is "Zhong Guo", or "Happy New Year." This term literally means "Good Fortune." In addition, the word for "year" in Chinese is also found in the same phrase, which literally means "year: the one hundred and forty-two". This terminology is not only used for New Year's celebrations, but for general everyday celebrations.

How Do You Say Happy New Year in Chinese?


To wish happy New Year in Chinese, you would use either the Pinyin pronunciation for "Happy New Year," which is the standard Chinese pronunciation, or the English translation of this term, "Zhong Ba Voi," which literally means "weather well." The meaning is the same, as well. The phrase is used to wish someone well throughout the year. If you were unsure of either Chinese Pinyin pronunciation or English translation, there are many resources available to help with either.


Pinyin Rialsing: For those that speak English as a second language, the term "Pinyin" is a transliteration of the original Chinese term "Ping" or "Pan" - which translates to "apple." In Chinese culture, the term "Ping" was used to indicate standardized regional dialect. The modern-day usage of the term is derived from its adoption by the Western world as a standard foreign language and now refers to any variation of English that contains a dash or another character that is mutually accepted in that foreign language. The dash is not considered important in Chinese culture, as it was not developed in China.


A Long Story: As an English speaker, the easiest way for you to learn how do you say happy new year in Chinese is to first ask about the occasion. Is it a wedding, birthday, holiday, etc? Many people have difficulty knowing the appropriate phrase for such an event. For instance, if it is your child's birthday, then you might wish them a happy new year. If it is your child's wedding, then you might wish them a happy new year by wishing their happy birth.


The Best Wishes: When asked how do you say happy New Year in Chinese, you can also have a conversation about the best wishes you can possibly hope to receive. For example, one of the most popular wishes in China is the long-awaited New Year's Celebration. This occurs once the lunar calendar has reached its New Year mark and the calendar turns year-around. It is during this time that Chinese citizens look forward to the festivities and feasts that occur throughout the country. You may wish your loved ones a good health this Chinese New Year by wishing them good health, luck, and prosperity. Again, if it is your child's birthday, then you may wish them good health.


If it is your husband's birthday, then you might wish him good health. If it is your child's birthday, then you might wish your child good health. How do you say happy New Year in Chinese may vary, but the underlying theme is always gratitude? For this Chinese New Year, it is important to express gratitude to the people and things that make our lives richer. You can express this gratitude in Chinese by using various Chinese phrase books. If you can speak Chinese, then all you need to do is find a book that teaches you how to use the Pinyin pronunciation for that particular Chinese phrase or word.

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