How To Use An Auto Clicker To Train Your Dog

Dogs love to learn, and they love to receive treats. For both dogs and people, the key to a well-trained dog is in the early stages: treats as a reward for good behavior. But did you know that you can actually teach your dog to be more selective about what it chooses to eat? This is an excellent idea if you have a dog that is very sensitive to any type of taste, such as bitter, salty or sweet. Here are some tips on How To Use An Auto Clicker to teach your dog the difference between good food and bad food.

how to use an auto clicker


First off, set up your yard so that the clicking sound will be heard from your dog's collar. The easiest way to do this is to put something close to your dog, such as a stake or a garden hose, and then stand a distance away. Then use the clicker and direct your dog's focus to the hose or stake. Do this several times a day until the sound disappears. Then reward your dog with a treat.


Once your dog has learned to ignore certain tastes, try crating different foods. Start by crating a dry dog food treat, such as a raw dog biscuit. The clicker will signal the dog to stop eating and wait for the treat to drop off. When the treat drops off, give your dog a reward.

How to Use an Auto Clicker to Train Your Dog


Now try crating a flavored dog food treat, such as hotdog or salami. Again, the clicker will signal your dog to stop eating and wait for the treat to drop off. When the treat drops off, give your dog a treat. Continue this pattern several times a day until your dog no longer focuses on the sound of the clicker.

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After you've trained your dog to ignore certain tastes and sounds, you can try using food to command your dog. Say "sit" when your dog moves forward in front of you. You can use the command several times a day until your dog gets the message that moving ahead means sitting down. If your dog doesn't listen or tries to move out of the way, simply say "sit" again. Repeat as necessary until your dog learns the connection between standing and sitting.

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In addition to using a clicker to teach your dog to sit and down, you can also try using other training aids. A good way to teach your dog to stay still is with an invisible clicker. You attach the clicker to a leash so that it will only sound when your dog gets too close to the sound. To teach your dog to come, you can use whistles or bells.

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Once you have taught your dog the basic commands, you can start making your dog's life a little easier. If your dog isn't moving as much as he used to when you first started training him, you can gently give him a treat to encourage him to move around more. You might also want to put a treat in his crate when he has done something good such as sitting down, walking on a leash, or playing with another dog. Treats can keep your dog from becoming bored with his daily routine and can prevent him from becoming destructive.


After you have taught your dog simple tricks, you can start training him for hunting. When you hunt with your dog, you will want to have him in the right hands. You should be sure that you are in a location that your dog can see and hear you, and that there are no distractions. This way, you can get your dog to listen to you just as much as you want him to. If you are learning how to use an auto clicker, these simple tips will help you quickly and easily teach your dog new tricks.

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